The Tally Hallseum runs on monetary donations from people like you!
The Tally Hallseum will be free to anyone who chooses to visit. We believe that the knowledge we are trying to share and the preservation we are doing should be accessible to everyone. This means that to keep the business afloat, our primary source of revenue would be from our loyal supporters. Donations from people like you allow the hallseum to get started with making history, and for it to be ran smoothly at full capacity. You can donate directly to our owner using any of these methods, and these funds will be diverted into a seperate account for hallseum spending. Hallseum funds may go to operating costs, preservation costs, potential new hallseum acquisitions, and to allow the owner to continue doing the work she does to allow the hallseum to exist! Every dollar counts, no donation is too big or too small! we plan to be very open with how donation funds are spent, and will be clear cut to anyone who asks us. For artifact donations or other non-monetary donations, please contact us via the e-mail on our site or at any of our social media platforms! We whole heartedly appreciate each and every one of our donors. Donor incentives will be coming soon! Folks with substantial donations, or donors of note, will be listed on a separate page of this site, as well as inside the hallseum itself!
We here at the hallseum are very grateful and appreciative for every individual who provides a donation, be it monetary, artifact donation, time investments, and fan support. Without any of these, The Hallseum would not be possible. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
(as of 12/19/2024, donations are disabled until the hallseum is officially approved by Tally Hall as to not infringe on existing copyright agreements, you can still help by spreading the word online and interacting with our social platforms)